Wednesday, October 11, 2006


By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant, VSM
The shortest road to the goal where one does not tread on the toes of others and does not go against ones own conscience may be the right path. A thinking individual always makes an endeavour to set a goal for himself as well as for the society and then proceeds to achieve that goal. Every man needs a role model to inspire him, to guide him and not to allow him to feel depressed when things don’t work out the way he or she wanted it to. The role model helps us to remain on course, not deviate and keep on striving to achieve the goal. Individuals with a high rate of success are called high achievers and they become role models to fellow individuals, socially, nationally and maybe internationally. In our case, Maryada Purshottam Shri Ram and Yogeshwar Krishna have been our role models for many a millennium. They continue to be so even now.
The Rigveda enjoins on human beings to follow the path of righteousness while doing the laid down duty, without going off course by following the glorious examples of the Sun and the Moon. Both the celestial bodies are of immense benefit to the entire universe and have never faltered in discharging their duties. The 15th mantra of the 51st Sukta of the fifth mandala of the Rigveda is quoted below:
Swasti pantha manucharem surya chandra masaviv.
Punardadata aghnata janata sangmemahi.
`May we human beings walk on the path of righteousness following the glorious examples set by the Sun and the Moon. In order to have strength to follow the right path, may we keep company with those who peacefully give and take, exchange views, follow the path of ahimsa (not knowingly or deliberately hurting other living beings). And, of course, be with the knowledgeable ones who endeavour to understand one and another’s point of view.’
This Ved Mantra encourages all human beings to give away a part of their income in charity. Danam or donations must always be given to deserving individuals and institutions. Some individuals, in their enthusiasm to donate a part of their income in order to reap a better harvest in life after death give alms to whosoever asks for it. The anti-social elements kidnap, maim children and put them on the street as beggars to arouse sympathy and collect the alms money. Thus the quality of charity degenerates into acts and omissions of crime. One has to take care and not increase the number of disabled children by ones misplaced sympathy. Encouraging deserving and bright children to pursue higher studies will be beneficial to the society in general. Here Danam must be encouraged to bear fruitful results.
The Vedic ahimsa cautions man against hurting the sentiments of others or unnecessarily causing body harm. However, the Vedas have emphasized more than once that the Dharma has to be upheld and adharma must be vanquished by using force, if necessary. In these circumstances ``Himsa, Himsa Na Bhavati,’’ that is use of force to uphold righteousness is not termed as violence.
It needs no underscoring that the company of saints and wise men who encourage free flow of ideas, nurture a spirit of intellectual liberalism is an asset to an individual or a group. One should not excessively rely on ones innate goodness and feel his intrinsic good nature will keep harm at arm’s length even if he is in the company of the fallen people. A man is known by the company he keeps and, therefore, the Ved Mantra buttresses the dictum: keep company of the good.
Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant, VSM
609 (SU), Sector-29
Telefax 0091-120-2454511
Phone 0091-120-2454622 Mobile : 9811173590

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